How will becoming a Global Citizen help me succeed?

Becoming a Global Citizen will help you understand and engage appropriately with the global context in which you live, study, and work.

What opportunities are there for me to become a Global Citizen?

  1. Accessing, utilising and fundraising for the BGU Foundation Fund
  2. Attending the BGU Global Conference
  3. Undertaking the BG Volunteering Award
  4. Exploring a variety of opportunities for international travel and service learning
  5. Becoming a Student Chaplaincy Worker
  6. Participating in local Philosophy Cafés to explore major ethical questions
  7. Set up a political SU society/club
  8. Join a political party locally
  9. Volunteer to be an Observer at the Annual Conference of the National Union Students
Global Citizenship

Explore other Graduate Attributes

Information Literacy

Information Literacy

Find and evaluate information effectively

Digital fluencies

Digital Fluencies

Navigate digital spaces confidently.



Get the skills to be where you want to be.